Friday, May 15, 2009

Conversations with the Devil

I met the Devil tonight, in a rundown flop house in Reno.

He greeted me with a tumbler of scotch and a Fentanyl handshake

I looked him in the eye and we waxed sentimental on 

the philosophical building blocks of the subconscious.   

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, I couldnt find an e-mail for you, so I figured I would post way back here where nobody would see but you.

    I have written an RPG book called Synapse. The book is free with no catch. I have tried to write the game to appeal to people that do not normally play RPGs but who I feel are really creative people that might be interested if they gave it a chance.

    I would really love it if you could take a look at the game and give me your impression as one such creative person. I am very interested in your opinion.

    You can download it from my website at

